
Quit your Job, Follow your Passion & Be Rich – Titus Mirieri


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Quit your Job, Follow your Passion & Be Rich – Titus Mirieri.

When you let go of what tires you then what inspires you will magically take its place. Quitting Your Job and Following Your Dreams is about saying “YES” to your dreams, instead of working towards other people’s dreams.

We don’t necessarily choose our dreams as much as they choose us; our dreams always point us in the direction of expressing our deepest gifts in our natural environment.

When you’re in the wrong job, you’re like a fish out of water gasping for air; suffocating every day that you’re disconnected from your soul’s work.

Deep inside, you know there’s a bigger life for you than what you’re living now.

I hope by the time you finish reading this ebook, you will follow your dreams and never ever give up on those dreams…A lot of Kenyans who have read this ebook have started living their dreams!

Is there something inside of you whispering (maybe screaming) for you to come out of hiding and to start creating a new and inspired life. In order for you to live an inspired life and follow your dreams, you’re going to have to stop playing it safe and starting trusting in yourself, your creativity, your strengths, and your truth.

You don’t have to see the whole staircase to take the first step. In fact, wanting to have it all “figured out” is what stops the majority of people from living their dreams, getting paid to do what they love and from ever experiencing true happiness, joy and freedom – especially in the area of work.

Quit Your Job, Follow Your Passion & Be Rich is a book of self-discovery – discovering who you are, what inspires you, what your natural talents are, what your dreams are, and what gifts you can share with others and build a livelihood around. It’s also about identifying the obstacles that are blocking and preventing you from living an inspired life.

If you’re ready to make a change, then this book will help you create a plan to leave your soul-crushing job and create life and business that you LOVE!


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Quit your Job, Follow your Passion & Be Rich – Titus Mirieri
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